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Nearly 30,000 made Aliyah since war broke out!

Immigration and Absorption Minister Ofir Sofer (RZP) said the “growing desire to make Aliyah right now may lead to tens of thousands of olim in the coming years.”

By Ofer Petersburg September 3, 2024


Despite the death choke of the Israel-Hamas war, over 29,000 olim (new immigrants) have arrived in Israel from various countries, mostly Western countries, according to new data released by the Immigration and Absorption Ministry last week.

The data was released before an international real estate media conference held last week in Tel Aviv focused on examining the construction industry’s capabilities, specifically surrounding the absorption of olim.

Immigration and Absorption Minister Ofir Sofer (Religious Zionists) said the “growing desire to make Aliyah right now may lead to tens of thousands of olim in the coming years.”

Indeed, according to the data released by the ministry and the Jewish Agency, thousands of the olim who arrived throughout the war came during the summer months, including young families with children.

A special report by the Jewish Agency’s Global Aliyah Center, which operates in collaboration with the Immigration and Absorption Ministry, revealed that the number of people who have opened Aliyah files with the ministry and agency since October 7 has surpassed 30,000.

The data shows that since October 7, there has been a significant increase in Aliyah inquiries from Western countries compared to the same period last year.

France registered a 355% increase over the same period last year with more than 5,500 Aliyah files opened. More than 6,000 files were opened in the US, a 62% increase. Canada recorded an 87% spike with more than 800 files opened. The UK showed an increase of 63%.

Over the past few months, thousands of people have participated in the immigration fairs that the Jewish Agency held around the world in collaboration with the Immigration and Absorption Ministry and the Ofek Israeli organization, and this includes young families, doctors, and more.

Is Israel ready to absorb thousands of olim?

“Many Jews decided to make Aliyah during a trying war, to strengthen the State of Israel, express solidarity, and take part in the Zionist story,” Sofer said. “I congratulate the new olim who arrived, thank them for the important decision they made, and call on Jews from all over the world: join and immigrate right now.”

He explained that throughout the past year, the Aliyah and Absorption Ministry announced various special programs and benefits for olim, “such as reduced purchase tax for the purchase of an apartment, extensive rent assistance in the Negev and Galilee, dedicated programs in academia, significant grants for doctors making Aliyah, and an immigrant support system.”

Jewish Agency Chairman Doron Almog said he sees this spike in Aliyah as a symbol of hope.

“The exciting data on immigrants…to Israel reflect their great commitment and love for the State of Israel,” he said.

"These fill the heart and strengthen us in these difficult days. The presence of the olim alongside the State of Israel symbolizes hope.”

World Zionist Organization chairman Yaakov Hagoel sees Aliyah as the “fulfillment of the vision of generations before.”

He said, “Even after the October 7 massacre and the continued war for our security, we are witnessing an exciting influx of about 25,000 new immigrants to our country. This is a strong message of determination, faith, and deep love for the Land of Israel. This wave, along with the opening of many other immigration cases, shows the world that the Jewish people are determined to continue building their future here, in the land of their ancestors. We will continue to absorb, build, and strengthen together, even in the most difficult times.”

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